16 March 2020

The measures below are intended to protect the health of workers as regards the risk of contamination with COVID-19.
In particular, the management of the company, in agreement with the Occupational Health Service and the Ministry of Health, has decided to carry out a series of actions that will be maintained until the end of the aforementioned emergency situation.
These actions are carried out in all administrative and operational activities.

It was resolved that:
– all international and national business trips involving the use of public transport (airplanes, trains, etc.) are discontinued, except for those that are essential to ensure business continuity;
– travel by car to the areas affected by the infection in the Republic of Bulgaria and other countries will also be postponed until the end of the emergency situation;
– training courses and corporate events as well as participation in fairs, conferences, and more are postponed until the end of the emergency situation;
– It is recommended that business meetings be conducted via video conference (Skype, MS Teams, Telco, etc.), and those with direct physical involvement be as limited as possible.
– Business meetings with the direct physical involvement of outside persons are held only with the express permission of the Director General.
– meetings with customers or suppliers are suspended by switching to video conference systems;
– in case there are objective reasons for meetings with customers or suppliers to be with direct physical involvement, their staff should:
+ not have place of residence or have not soon resided in the territory of some of the areas with high number of infected with the virus.
+ not be in direct contact with a person affected by COVID-19;
+ not have received a communication from the health authorities about their direct contact with a person infected with the virus;
not have recently traveled to and from the mostly affected areas, see link:
have no partners who have recently traveled to and from the most affected areas, see link:
– the frequency of cleaning with disinfectants on the territory of Bulltek is increasing for all places where more people gather, such as changing rooms, canteens, resting places and conference rooms.
– apply the following hygiene measures to avoid respiratory infections:
+ wash your hands frequently;
+ cover the respiratory tract when coughing and sneezing;
+ dispose of paper towels or towels once used;
+ pay particular attention to the hygiene of the surfaces you touch;
+ avoid close contact with people with flu symptoms.
– if you suffer from flu symptoms, stay home and consult your family doctor remotely (by telephone) in accordance with health authorities;
– in case of symptoms of flu with obvious breathing difficulties, do not go to a health care facility but call the emergency number 112 and follow the instructions;
– immediately inform the management of BULLTEK OOD if you suspect that you have come into contact, even indirectly, with people who have symptoms of respiratory infection (fever, cough, difficulty breathing);
– stay informed by periodically consulting the websites of the Ministry of Health and the health authorities of your region and your municipality of residence.

In addition, the management of BULLTEK OOD decided that:
– All external and internal personnel, before entering the area of BULLTEK, must complete Form OS 08.02.01-1 – Coronavirus Declaration and
OS 08.02.01-2 – Temperature Control Report.
– all visitors and outside persons, before entering the area of BULLTEK, must fill out Form OS 08.02.01-1 – Coronavirus Declaration and OS 08.02.01-2 – Temperature Control Report.
– When conducting interviews for the selection of personnel, the measures provided for outside persons residing in the area of the company is observed.
– OS 08.02.01-1_Coronavirus Declaration will need to be filled out by all external and internal personnel once.
– OS 08.02.01-1_Coronavirus Declaration will need to be completed by any outside person at any time they access the Bulltek building.
– Employees are required to self-record their temperature before arriving at the plant and recording it on the form.
– The control of the body temperature of outside persons will be carried out before their entry into BULLTEK with a non-contact thermometer located at the guard post.
– All carriers, drivers and personnel responsible for receiving material must wear an FFP2 – FFP3 mask and latex or nitrite gloves during the delivery, loading, and unloading of goods.
The safe distance of 1.5 meters between people must always be observed.
– Entry into the departments of foreign personnel is absolutely forbidden unless the above checks have been completed.
– The use of coffee machines and vending machines will be allowed for up to 3 people at a time, always keeping a safe distance of 1.5 meters between people.
– The use of changing rooms, toilets, and canteen will be permitted in stages to avoid gatherings, always respecting a safety distance of 1.5 meters between people.

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